
Issues aggregating data from your legacy systems and rogue spreadsheets?

All while needing to show slices of information by calendar year and underwriting year? Our workflow experts can seamlessly integrate information to create claims dashboards, insurance calculators, quoting workbooks, or underwriting tools in a sleek solution.

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Recent Tasks

Aggregate Multi-Client Policy Level Data Aggregation

We worked with multiple Insurance companies to collect survey results on our client’s behalf and aggregated the results for industry marketing materials. The scope of report focused primarily on the submission and placement process in a specific US Insurance market. The goal was to obtain an accurate picture of the size of the marketplace, pricing and trends.
The survey takers required that their responses be anonymous. We provided the ability for the specific survey responses to be hidden from our client by only providing aggregated survey data. The end result was a set of data points that could be shared with the whole industry while not exposing the specific details the survey takers provided.

Allocated Expense Budget

This is a comprehensive workbook which completes multiple tasks. It has the quarterly budgets for expenses broken out by company, the internal department estimated expenditures and T&E budgets. These three functions were previously maintained in multiple workbooks with links but we were able to integrate the workbooks into one. Visual Basic was built-in to import manager estimated expenses (from a template file), enable automated email reports to be sent to managers, to import actuals and to show/hide the actuals for comparison against the estimates.

Intercompany Package file

This is a file which contains information about intercompany package file descriptions and the contacts which must receive copies. Due to the tediousness of the manual process of attaching these files to multiple contacts several times throughout the year, we were able to automate the process. at the push of a button, the emails are created with the appropriate files attached to the corresponding contacts.

Expense Report

Created a custom expense report for a heating element design & production company. The report created was to replace a costly online system that did not fully meet the client’s needs. Once our solution was created and implemented in the company, they saved hundreds of dollars a month without adding additional man hours into the process. The fact that we could tailor the expense report exactly to the client’s needs allowed the client to easily convince the sales force that the new custom workbook was a great fit for the team.

Human Resource Employee Compensation Import Conversion

This is a tool with that accepts an ADP download and converts the data into an importable format for an online tool the company uses to create compensation letters for employees. This conversion was completed manually prior to the tool development, taking a lot of time and prone to human error. The tool completes the task in less than 1 minute.

Personal Financial Statement Form Redesign

Created, designed and implemented a Major Bank’s Personal Financial Statement documents in Excel to make user-friendly interface, printable formats, ensure labeling and formatting align with corporate business requirements and branding and enhance functionality using VBA/background scripting.

Custom Financial Model Software for a Hedge Fund

Custom-built financial model software package for a hedge fund needed to be modified to be completely functional

Human Resource Compensation Tool

This is a comprehensive tool with 4 major functions: Headcount reporting for all employees, Merit Increase reporting, Bonus (2 types of bonuses awarded) reporting and Equity reporting. The Headcount reports create bi-weekly manager reports with imported ReportSmith EV4 (ADP) data files. The reports are in customized format for each manager showing sensitive employee data to only their specified managers. The Merit Increase, Bonus and Equity processes create reports for each manager to review their employees suggested compensation and allows them to adjust the compensation due to performance or other factors. The manager reports are then returned and import to a Master workbook for each process where the top-level executive can review the recommendations for each employee, make their own adjustments, approve the final numbers, create summary reports and ADP import files.

Audit, Automate & Enhance Existing Investment Analysis Workbook

Worked with an Investment Firm to audit, automate and enhance their existing analysis workbook for a Land Based Aquaculture company. The process required a full audit including suggestions for automation and offering options on alternate approaches to new and existing functionality. The results were a cleaner more accurate workbook that allows for flexibility and eliminates much of the potential user error.

Market Research Data Analysis Tool

This Market Research firm collected data from survey results. They needed to create metrics reports correlating the data in different ways. PivotTables were developed to create customized reports and macros were written to import new raw data and automatically update the reports.

Recruitment Planner

Enhanced a Wealth Management company’s Recruitment Planner to be a easily modified calculator. By creating updatable tables and values we turned their existing tool into a much more bullet proof calculator that is easy for them to tweak as needed. This allows the client to set up custom recruitment scenarios by updating a hidden worksheet instead of updating value within the cell functions. This allows the changes to be made more quickly and eliminates the users from accidentally modifying the formula.

Custom Dashboard

Developed a custom interactive Dashboard for a Plastics manufacturing company. The dashboard consists of multiple reporting areas all with filtering capabilities. The charts and graphs for each section refresh to show the data filtered by company, product and/or time period.

Stand Alone Deep Dive

Created a Custom series of reports for a Private Equity Firm that reads in three complex data sets and outputs a custom report workbook. The imported data is analyzed and displayed in a multitude of ways to allow the client to get a full understanding of effort and outcomes for each individual Deep Dive as well as in aggregate. Without the tool we have generated the client would not be able to view these metrics as the man power required to manually generate the reports and the risk of human error would be too high.

Human Resource Earnings Report & Tax Letter Tool

This is a tool with 2 major functions: Earnings reporting for selected employees and creating tax letters for US/Ex-pat employees reporting annual earnings in Microsoft Word. Both of these functions were completed manually prior to the tool development, taking a lot of time and prone to human error. Each of the tools now complete the tasks in less than 2 minutes.

Major Bank Form Redesign

Redesigned Personal Financial Statement forms to be more user- and print-friendly in Excel

Casualty Spreadsheet Automation

Took an Insurance and Risk Management Brokerage’s existing spreadsheet and enhanced it by generating graphs, reports and creating the ability to easily extend the data set. By including this additional functionality, the workbook morphed from being simply data to a useful reporting tool full of metrics that can be shared company wide and to clients.

Historical Data Integration

The customer is a reinsurance broker. The tool enables cycling thru an existing directory structure, opening existing template, extracting applicable data and populating the data on a new claim or premium template. There are thousands of files so this saves a lot of time and prevents human errors.

Automation of Tax Reporting

Automated a completely manual tax reporting process for a reinsurance company. Our automated solution not only saved the client many man hours each year, we also uncovered an inconsistency in their previous approach.

Automated Client Onboarding Report

Created a Custom client status communication report for a tech company. This report is used to communicate the Client’s onboarding status on a weekly basis. The template allows for easy entry of data, creating bullet points and charts to verbally and visual communicate progress. The report can then be produced as a professional looking PDF to email to the client.

Automated Processed Report

Automated and enhanced a manual report process for an insurance company. We created a solution into which they could load their monthly source data and create a full repository. Having created a database of their information they can now automatically run their reports in for any span of time. This solution took a time consuming manual process and replaced it with a flexible fast solution.

Mortgage Refinance Loan Calculator

Create a custom refinance calculator for a lending company. The tool we developed allows the loan officers to quickly show the client up to 5 different refinance loan options. The loan officer can then generate a PDF from the loan calculator to give the client. This PDF only contains certain sections, excluding internal only information. This tool allows the loan officers to quickly show their clients pertinent loan information and also provides them with a document that they can give the client with details about what was discussed as well as the loan officer’s contact information.

Statistical Scoring Automation Model for Sales Trading Company

This sales trading company needed a way to prioritize their call sheets. We used their historical data to determine which of their potential calls had the best opportunity to result in a sale. All with the click of a button!

Risk management dashboard and reconciliation file for a large insurance company

Custom created file to import RAW data files from various selected reports and automatically load the data in the developed structure, compare to the prior month, and generate dashboards and reporting on current and overdue receivables. Built in flexibility to allow for various report formats and structures, and to allow for those reports to change overtime without the need for further development.

Reduce Run Time for Massively Complex Repetitive Calculations

We partnered with the premier independent analytics firm in the Insurance / Reinsurance industry to utilize their patented software product (Translator ++) that optimizes complex Excel calculations. By creating an integratable .dll, the software allows our clients to complete calculations that could have previously taken days or hours to a few minutes or even in seconds.

Compensation Model for a Wealth Management Firm

Compensation Model generated for a Wealth Management firm. This solution calculates bonus, salary and incentive pay based on proprietary calculations which take into account employee review results. The solution allows for quick comparison of the compensation levels of the Employees and Brokers all in one place. Built in alerts ensure that payment structure does not bring the compensation level above or below predefined percentages.

Reformat Internal Report

Automated the reformatting of a report for an Insurance Company. We transformed an internal unformatted excel document into a client facing, professional report saving the Client multiple manual hours as well as eliminating the risk of human error.

Configurable dynamic tool to restructure data for import into Tableau

Created a tool for a Financial company to import mostly any data into Tableau. The tool we developed will allow the client to generate an import file from a standard row/column file. The tool allows for specifications of what data to import such as, columns, start row, conditional rows (if there is data in all of a specified subset of columns OR if data is present in at least one of a specified subset of columns). Additionally, the tool can automatically identify data type in each column or it allows the client to manually specify the data type if preferred. The tool will generate the ‘dummy rows’ required by Tableau for import, but that feature can be turned off as well. Additional features exist such as automatically emailing the generated import sheet, specifying replacement values for errors within the source file (#N/A, #REF!, etc.). This company uses Tableau as their primary reporting and data analysis engine. With the transformation tool we developed, they are able to easily upload many data files with various structures at any interval they desire.

PDF Scraping for an Insurance and Risk Management Company

We extracted specific data based on key fields from 2,500+ certificates of insurance in a large PDF. This data was placed into an easy to use format within Excel. The client saved 100s of hours by outsourcing this work to us. Using our approach we were able to complete the task in just a few hours

QuickBooks Import for Accounting Services and Software firm

Convert Excel data files into a QuickBooks import structure

Webinar Training and Data Merge for an Asset Management Firm

We conducted a series of Webinars for training around a task that needed to be completed by the company. We assisted, demonstrated and trained the client on merging the data located in two separate files. The client was able to both accomplish a work task and learn useful on the job Excel skills at the same time.

Income Change Graph

Create a net income graph with PDF of change over 3 years.

Excel upgrade Conversion Assistance

After upgrading from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010 a Financial Services company found that many of their charts disappeared off of their Excel workbooks. We uncovered the issue, found a solution and applied it to their workbooks. The client would have otherwise had to completely recreate over 40 charts. We were able to solve the issue and update the charts in a few hours.

Cash Confirmation Package Reporting Tool

Tool created for a hedge fund that imports a series of client files. The tool gives the user the ability to indicate which client should have a corresponding document created. The output generates 5 word documents per each selected client.

Produce a Mail Merge Pro import file for a Financial Services Company

The tool we created imports a series of Excel documents. We merge the documents to create a Mail Merge Pro import file which contains From, Recipients, Subject, Body, Attachments, etc. The Mail Merge Pro file is then imported into the Mail Merge Pro software automatically send the emails based on the import file.

Reformatting Add-In

Created a custom Add-In for a Private Equity Firm. This Add-In allows the employees to reformat reports that are generated out of their legacy system. We developed a custom menu item in their Excel toolbar. When the menu is clicked, a ribbon section opens up where they can choose which report they have open and the Add-In will reformat the report and save it with a custom name.

Inspection Template and PDF report

Created an Excel workbook for collecting inspection data. The tool keeps track of required fields, performs data auditing and allows for photo upload.

Target List added to Reformatting Add-In

Add a new reformatting routine to an the existing Reformatting Add-In for a Private Equity Firm

Ad-Hoc Financial Work for Venture Capital Company

This venture capital company needed some financial modeling help with one of their client workbooks. With a Monday deadline approaching, they sought out our help on Friday afternoon. We were able to deliver their project back in time for their deadline.

Financial Model

Rush Financial Modeling Work for an acquisition holding company of middle market business completed in a weekend

Customer Directory Database for Private Equity Firm

Added structure and parameters to uploading pictures in tool for ease of use in workbook provided by our client. The tool anyone at the private equity firm to update their customer directory with ease and without any prior Excel knowledge.

Automated Org Chart Updates from Excel Workbook to for Insurance Annual Statement

Created Excel template files that feed Org Plus to automatically generate Org Charts for an Insurance Parent Company and all of their affiliates for their Annual Statement (Yellow Book)

Moving Text Code for firm providing Healthcare Benefit Plans and Administrative Services to employers

Wrote VBA code to split the cell contents logically from a notes column in a medical patient appointment listing based upon key items such as timestamps and dates to understand and join information from various appointment dates in a properly segmented and readable file.

Insurance Specific In-Person Excel Training Session

Custom In-Person Training Session held at an Insurance Company for PC 2007 users in various departments. Topics included: Keyboard Shortcuts, Auto Filters, VLOOKUPs, Charts and Graphs, PivotTables and More!

Intro to VBA Webinar

Custom Intro to VBA Webinar Training Session for Insurance Company which included users in various departments

Reinsurance Specific Excel Training Session

Custom In-Person Training Session held at a Reinsurance Broker for PC 2013 users in various departments. Topics included: Keyboard Shortcuts, Auto Filters, VLOOKUPs, Charts and Graphs, PivotTables and More!

Settlement Allocation Tool created for Mass Tort Healthcare Litigation Settlement for a Law Firm

Created a Mass Tort Litigation Tool which classified incident types per claimant over time to depict various scenarios for settlement values based upon insurance coverages available

Custom In-Person Excel Training Session for Family Office

Custom In-Person Training Session for Family Office of PC 2010 and Mac 2011 users. Topics included: Auto Filters, VLOOKUPs, Charts and Graphs, PivotTables, and more!

Custom In-Person Excel Training Session focusing on Financial Services Data

Custom In-Person Training Session for premiere Data Collection and Analysis Company service Financial Institutions. Training covered PC 2007, PC 2010 and Mac 2011 users. Topics included: Auto Filters, Text Functions, VLOOKUPs, Charts and Graphs, PivotTables, an Intro to Macros/VBA, and more!

Create a custom standalone Healthcare Deductible Bill Invoice tool for an Insurance Company

We replaced a semi-manual process for creating Deductible Billing invoices with a standalone automated Deductible Billing PDF generating tool for a specialty Insurance Company. Now our client only needs to upload an input Excel file to generate a formatted Deductible Billing Invoice PDF file that is customer ready. The invoice produces a summary page along with billing details and includes the calculated amount due while still allowing for manual entry of the Previous Paid amount.

Healthcare Loss Run Tool generating various styles of PDF reports from a Loss Run

We created a Loss Run Generation Tool for a specialty Insurance Company that automated the process of generating a formatted Loss Report by Insured by Policy Number in a PDF file that is customer ready. Now our client only needs to upload a Loss Run (Excel file) to the Loss Run Generation Tool, select their desired style of PDF reports (Self Insured Retention, standalone Deductible, …), and where they want to save it and then can generate the report. Additionally, the client no longer needs to go through the manual process for creating For Reference Only claim reports as this has been included as an additional output of the Tool. The PDF Reports from the Tool include automated text replacement, conditional record inclusion along with both detail and summary sections.

Reinsurance Treaty Template for Large Financial Services Parent Group and their Global Subsidiaries

Created a template for inputting Reinsurance Treaty Details on a per contract basis. The template includes varying functionality for Quote Share, Excess of Loss and Aggregate Stop Loss Treaties along with a robust database of Reinsurer Names and their corresponding Groups, Domiciles, Syndicate #s, and FEIN #s. User does not need to have any Excel knowledge to enter information in this template. Other key features of this template include: ability for the client to update dropdowns and change any parent names post acquisition, pushing out updates to all users via a google spreadsheet, printer-ready summaries for Letter, A3 & A4 paper at the push of a button and automatically converting original currencies to US $ based on the conversion rate at the effective date of the treaty. This is done via web scraping the rates from

Importing and Reporting Tool for Reinsurance Treaty Templates for Large Financial Services Parent Group and their Global Subsidiaries

This tool allows insurers and reinsurers to upload all completed Reinsurance Treaty Templates. The tool then produces 2 large data sets and corresponding PivotTables for the user to aggregate and slice the information themselves along with a sophisticated dashboard including canned reports that can be easily altered by Broker, Reinsurer, Treaty Type, Line of Business, and so forth.

How it Works

Submit a Task

Enter your task details, project deadline and upload any necessary attachments. Click Submit! That’s it, we will get back to with any questions or clarifications and to potentially schedule a consultation call to firm up any remaining items.


Review & Approve Proposal

Before you know it, an easy to understand Proposal is provided including project scope and pricing. All you need to do is:

  • Review proposed project scope
  • Ask any remaining questions
  • Pick between rush and non-rush options
  • Confirm agreement to proposal and submit payment

Receive Deliverable

Receive a pre-tested deliverable within your project time frame. Put your shiny new spreadsheets to use and let us know if you run into any issues! Troubleshooting is free for the first 20 business days after initial delivery.

How can I pay?

We accept payments via check and all major credit cards.

‎How much is due upfront?

We require full payment for the deliverable prior to getting started on the work.

Who does the actual work?

We have a fleet of spreadsheet ninjas that come from various backgrounds (Engineering, Computer Programming, Math, Finance, …) and know how to beat up a spreadsheet. Based on your task, we will pair you with the most suitable ninja for your request.

Can you handle Financial Models?

We love Financial Models and we audit them too.

How do you handle data and confidentiality?

We know how crazy important and valuable your data is! That is why we have a host of ways of dealing with this:

  1. We handle your data with the utmost care and do NOT share it with anyone
  2. We can sign an NDA if desired
  3. You can send us your files without all of the data. We may just ask you to include a couple of dummy rows of sample data. We can then create a solution for you using your dummy data. When we deliver the solution, we can provide instructions for pasting in your actual data or we can do this virtually for you over a GoToMeeting or we can come to your office and take care of this.
Do you teach classes or give webinars?

We do not offer general group training. That said, we can absolutely give you a 1-on-1 session to help you move through your work(books) much better! Typically these will be held remotely via call/GoToMeeting.  Other options include:

  • Our on-demand Video Tutorials are for sale in Tools. Additionally, we have great partners that handle slick on demand training options. Reach out if you want an introduction to these partners.
  • Outsource the work to us!!  Just Submit a Task.


Can I have a 1-on-1 session for you to show me how to do my work better?

Yep! That’s what we are here for. This can be done via Webinar (GoToMeeting) or in-person dependent up your desired scheduling and location.

How do I know we are on the same page?

Before assembling a Proposal (Scope of Work and Quote) for you, we will flesh out any Q&A over emails, calls, GoToMeetings ‎or a combination of them. We will then outline the Scope of Work for your review and approval before moving forward.

Is troubleshooting included?

The payment for your deliverable* includes post-completion troubleshooting and/or explanation within 20 business days upon receiving the final deliverable to ensure you are happy with the result.

*For those projects where deployment has special characteristics (such as a big number of users, different systems, special IT security requirements) and in those cases additional time may be indicated in the ballpark estimate for that and sometimes agreed to be charged by the hour with the client.

How is pricing determined?

We have been receiving and turning around Excel requests daily for the past 7 plus years. So, we have seen it all and know the skill needed, how long it is going to take us to turn around the work, the questions necessary and all the other nuts and bolts to get the work done. Thus, our pricing is generated based on these factors and will be included in your Proposal.

Can you do my homework?

We are willing to give students a webinar to teach any pertinent skills to the subject matter, but we are NOT able to do the work for you. Should you decide to go the webinar route, we can work with you to assemble an appropriate list of topics to help you tackle the subject matter as best possible.

We apologize for the inconvenience and we feel for you as we have been there when it comes to daunting homework assignments! Please check out our Cheat Sheets and Getting Started Video Tutorials as a way to help ease some spreadsheet pain throughout those rigorous classes.

Is rush delivery available?

Of course it is! We can most certainly accommodate your tight timeframe. If desired, when we send over your Proposal we can include 2 Quotes, one for rush delivery and one for non-rush. This way you can weigh your options with price and completion date.

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Portland Spreadworks, LLC is committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology that gives you the most powerful and safe online experience. This Privacy Statement applies to the Excel Rain Man Web Site and governs data collection and usage. By using the Excel Rain Man Web Site, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.

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