Continuous improvement is a big part of the iMentor culture, so it should come as no surprise that we seek out and promote professional development opportunities for our entire staff. In addition to the professional development budget that each staff member can access to pursue his or her individual career goals, the Talent Team works hard to bring in expert speakers, facilitate workshops and hunt for learning opportunities that will give us the tools we need to become even better at what we do. 2011 is already off to a great start!

In January, the Talent team brought in consultant Laurie Krauss to lead a session on public speaking skills for the entire staff, as well as workshops for smaller groups of staff. Engaging a room filled with mentors and mentees isn’t always easy, so Laurie’s advice was welcome! Later in the month, Talent Manager, Dava Antoniotti, led a training session for the NYC program staff on supporting mentors, mentees, teachers and other stakeholders by listening attentively and working together to find solutions, just in time for 1,700 mid-year mentor check-ins.

This month, we’re preparing to roll out a series of online Excel tutorials thanks to Jennifer Portland of Excel Rain Man, a niche consulting company that is devoted to helping folks maximize Microsoft Excel and use it to organize their lives and business needs. Jennifer is ready to be matched with her first mentee through iMentor, and she has generously donated access to the tutorials to our entire staff. This is a great opportunity for iMentor staff to fine tune their skills in a convenient, accessible format. Thanks Jen!

Also in February, Esther Widlanski, Paul Nehring and Amy Reynolds are looking forward to attending the two-day Undoing Racism workshop, anti-racism training for human service practitioners and educators, to learn more about the causes of systemic racism and how they can become more effective relationship facilitators and organizers for social justice. We can’t wait for them to share their experiences with the rest of the staff.

If you have expertise in a subject that would help us to be even more effective in our work, please let us know. If you’re passionate about youth mentoring and you’d like to join a team that is committed to growth, learning and professional development, please check out our open positions.


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