2018 OSCulator


Download and unzip this file on your PC if you are the pool manager. Use this handy tool to run your 2018 Oscar Pool. Have your friends download and complete the 2018 OSCAR Ballot below and send them to you. ENJOY THE SHOW & DRESSES and then run the tool to calculate the winner!

Please note that this is an OLDER goody. While it is still available to be downloaded, you may encounter some errors due to incompatibilities with Excel’s newer versions.

While you are here, check out our new stuff! There are a lot of new goodies to discover 😉


Note: This edition was issued for a past event. We’re taking a break from sports goodies starting August 2024. But don’t worry! We’re still here to level up your Excel game. Sign up for our newsletter for updates (Link), or we’d love to chat if you have any specific Excel needs, just schedule a call (Link).


2018 OSCulator


Download and unzip this file on your PC if you are the pool manager. Use this handy tool to run your 2018 Oscar Pool. Have your friends download and complete the 2018 OSCAR Ballot below and send them to you. ENJOY THE SHOW & DRESSES and then run the tool to calculate the winner!

Please note that this is an OLDER goody. While it is still available to be downloaded, you may encounter some errors due to incompatibilities with Excel’s newer versions.

While you are here, check out our new stuff! There are a lot of new goodies to discover 😉


Note: This edition was issued for a past event. We’re taking a break from sports goodies starting August 2024. But don’t worry! We’re still here to level up your Excel game. Sign up for our newsletter for updates (Link), or we’d love to chat if you have any specific Excel needs, just schedule a call (Link).


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